Consider to study oversea? If you do, starting earlier to look around which educational institution to enroll, it will decrease you the hassle to choose the right institution to continue your education. Which country that you choose? Indonesia, aside from its breathtaking view from the forests, historical landmarks, to the beaches, College In Indonesia is great, too, and one of them is University of Indonesia or you can shorten it as UI. This is the oldest University, which means it has many years of experiences in educating talented students compared to others.
For their missions to provide excellent education, they open international program which is not only dedicated for international students, but also talented Indonesian students to ease them to obtain their future. The international program that is offered, you’ll find them plenty, thence they can embrace more and more talented youth around the world with different interests. Nevertheless, what about you? Maintaining the quality of their education and to make sure that their students gain the best quality for their education, they build good relationship with universities overseas, and you have chance to study to their partner university as well.
You are on the right path when you choose UI as College in Indonesia to spend your tertiary education. Nevertheless, their international program covers, economy for undergraduate and graduate international programs, psychology, medical, engineering with its sub-categories based on your interest, computer science, public health for graduate international program, and etc. Spending your education at UI, then you have chance to feel the atmosphere of the big city that is intertwined with the stories of the past through the old cities. Find more through their website or you can directly email or fax them. Therefore, you know things which are necessary to prepare to enroll to University of Indonesia.