Who says Indonesia only gives you with stunning natural setting? If you want to enhance your education experience, college university Indonesia provides you with excellent international program. Take example of University of Indonesia as the oldest University (established in 1849), offers students with two different international programs, degree and non-degree program. You have to know that, UI (University of Indonesia), in order to perform high quality education for its students, they build reliable partnership with famous universities around the world. Each international program is not for any international students, which means you have to choose one that meets your expectation.
Whether you consider UI as your destination for education or not, get yourself informed about the international programs which are available, it helps in many ways to determine which university to enroll for its international program. A non-degree international program is a program which duration is a year or two semesters. Study aboard program alongside with student exchange are two non-degree international programs to consider. Another option is a degree international program with several options of program studies you can choose based on your interest. Compared to a non degree international program, a degree program can be a little bit complex.
However, it is not really a matter if you prepare anything that is necessary earlier. Now, the program study that is offered from particular College university Indonesia may differs from one to another. UI, for instance, this one accommodates its student to obtain degree for graduates and under graduates. The option for the program study is various as well that include medical, economy, public health, and so on. Ease your way to study abroad, there is a lot of things you have to prepare. Not to mention, you have to know where you will stay during your time studying there.